What I Didn’t Learn at School (And Most Needed To Know)


I had a decent education. I learnt how to read and write. Memorized the capital cities. Recited Latin declinations. I almost even managed to get my head around algebra (some things are just not meant to be). Yet for all the knowledge I had, something was missing from my head. My heart. I couldn’t possibly have defined it back then. It’s taken me thirty-six years (and a Master’s Degree) to find the elusive, yet fundamental jigsaw piece. Its absence affected the way I approached my schoolwork. Influenced the way I interacted with others. Yet more importantly, it seeped into my self-esteem, [...]

What I Didn’t Learn at School (And Most Needed To Know)2020-04-19T11:46:00+00:00

Divorce Your Job And Marry Your Vocation!


I'd like you to imagine something for a second. I'd like you to imagine that you've just met someone for the first time. Maybe you're at a dinner party, a networking event, or perhaps even just on a plane. It doesn't matter. Once you've shaken hands, exchanged names and smiles, the inevitable question ensues: “What do you do?” The answer to this question will supposedly paint the portrait of the person before of eyes- vividly revealing their innate strengths, talents and values. For by asking a person how they spend the majority of their waking lives, aren't we looking to understand [...]

Divorce Your Job And Marry Your Vocation!2020-04-19T11:36:09+00:00

To Be or Not to Be: True to Yourself in 2020?


Can I let you in on a little secret? I didn’t use to know who I was. That’s right. My identity was like plasticine- soft, malleable and at the mercy of the hands of others. I couldn’t have told you who I was, as it depended on a vast array of ever- changing circumstances, the people around me and the mood of the day. I was fragile as glass, and had never once considered what it meant to be the authentic me. Let me ask you a question: who are you? Please don’t tell me what you do- important as it [...]

To Be or Not to Be: True to Yourself in 2020?2020-04-19T11:32:26+00:00

Hello world!


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Hello world!2020-04-06T15:29:58+00:00